This is not intended to be followed in every detail, rather, it’s a guide to how you could structure a day as you settle your puppy in. Your pup’s schedule will change according to age and how your training progresses. Amalie pups have been toileting themselves overnight and re-settling without effort. They wake around dawn and are wanting to be fed pretty soon after toileting outside. Play-time and rest time are sometimes inside and at other times, outside. We offer different things for puppies to do based on their development and the weather. One-on-one training sessions are required to refine skills and behaviours.
ADDIT – this blog post is from trainers at Baxter and Bella – on line puppy school referred to in your puppy offer. It provides a balancing perspective reminding us that a new puppy can keep you very busy. The advice is to keep it real and to keep it simple. What is posted in the table below is NOT the bar we expect our puppy owners to aspire to, it simply illustrates a full structure that could be the day in the life of an Amalie Labradoodle.
Note on TETHERING – this is never to a static location, rather it is always to you so you can respond to your pup and develop a bond and a communication with each other.
Note on CRATES – they are great but pups need to be introduced to them gradually. They are not a place for punishment so consider giving your pup a fun thing to do there – eat, chew, snuffle.
Notes on TOILETING – your Amalie puppy has pattered about on wet grass and played in the rain so don’t let him fool you. It’s OK to be outside in all sorts of weather so long as they have comfy shelter to return to. Some puppies will wee several times – while they are sniffing or circling, they are still doing their business so leave them to it without rushing the process.
We recommend toileting puppies…
- after waking
- after eating and drinking
- at 2-3 hourly intervals (unless your puppy is asleep) extending to longer times as your puppy grows
Never be cross at at the puppy on discovering a puddle or poop indoors or you will create a situation where the puppy hides to toilet indoors. Set him up for success – do this by
- having a pee-pad by the door you use to go out
- teach him to ring a bell hung from the door handle at puppy height when he wants to go out – this often progresses to sitting on the mat when he wants to wee but the bell is a good auditory reminder in a busy household.
- learn your puppy’s cues that a wee is imminent, pick him up and carry him out to where you want him to wee.
Time | Activity | Comments |
Dawn 6-7am | Wake up and toilet time outside |
Take pup out on a leash or carry a very young pup. No play until toileting is done – this may take place in several stages… be patient and learn to read his cues. Our puppies will most often sit when they have finished. |
Tethering while you prepare breakfast |
Tethering needs to be taught to handler and puppy both – ask me how… For now, keep your pup on the leash while you prepare puppy’s breakfast and a cuppa for yourself while you’re at it. |
Breakfast 7-7.30am |
Feed puppy in a quiet place. After breakfast…. |
Either hand feed or crate feed, whichever you choose, it is a learning opportunity with a food reward. After meal toilet time outside…on or off leash depending where your pup is at with regard to training. 1 hr Rest time where you don’t ask anything of the puppy. A crate or playpen are good but if you intend your pup to be indoor outdoor, he can have time alone outside while your get the family ready for the day. |
AM activities 9-12am | Meaningful activity time and rest time depending on the age of the puppy |
Choose 2-3 of the following – intersperse with sleep |
Lunch 12-2pm | Feed lunch |
Try a Kong if you hand fed breakfast… same after meal routine of toilet and rest. If having a Kong in the crate / pen, this time can morph to rest time and then toilet time when he wakes. |
PM activities 2-5.30pm | Meaningful activity time and rest time – the schedule depends on the age of the puppy and where you are at with training but remember the socialisation needs and schedule a range of activities over the week. |
Same as AM activities and include novel socialisation activity such as:
Supervised playtime with kids and the last 30min to an hour or so should be rest. |
Dinner 5.30-6.30pm | Hand feed dinner |
If kids want to be involved have them watch quietly without interacting or distracting the puppy. If pup is not up for training at this time don’t force it / make it brief / feed from a bowl in the crate.If your pup eats kibble (dry food) ensure plenty of access to water between now and bedtime. Same after meal toilet and rest routine as this morning to give family time for dinner without the puppy. After dinner, off leash waling or play in the yard or patio is a good option. |
Evening 7-9pm | Winding down for the day activities letting the puppy prepare for sleep. |
Supervised time with the kids – we recommend story-time with puppies which encourages calm and quiet interaction. Watching TV, on leash (tethered) and on the mat, snuggle time, grooming. |
Sleeptime around 9pm | Crate / Pen / laundry |
Toilet time, and settle for the night. Puppies from 8-12 weeks may wake overnight to toilet – either make a place for them to pee/poo in their sleeping quarters or attend to them when they wake you. |